A comparison table of French-Taiwan Education System: From Kindergarden to Senior High School

Below is an education comparison table France- Taiwan from Kindergraden to Senior High School.

France Education offers a 2 years professional training, named CAP, to those who show little attention to continuer the senior High School study. The 2 years training prepares the youth to join the employment market at an early age.


The CAP programme content covers various professional training: Art cooking, hair-dressing, Pâtisserie, Bread,…. After the CAP diploma, the further academic schema is proposed at different levels. The relevant information stated on our website professional schools- Almea Formation (Merci de preparer un lien ici pour connecter au site web CLOE International/ school/ professional school/ ALMEA Formations) may give you a picture of the possible study after CAP.

The junior high school graduates are highly recommended to attend in National junior high school examination to evaluate the acquired knowledge during the 4 years junior high school study. After having passed the national junior high school examination, they receive National High school diploma (Dîplome National du Brevet in French).

France Taiwan education comparison table English from Kindergarden to Senior High School 2018
