A comparison table of Higher Education System between France & Taiwan- Post Baccalaureate

Below is a comparison table prepared based on the France and Taiwan education system after Senior High School.  The unique school system, Grande Ecole, created by Napoleon aiming to cultivate the social elite.


It is of course quite competitive to enter the Grande Ecole as there is a system CPGE (the preparatory school) to pre-select the eligible students. The University Education system offers another available opportunity for students to pursue the higher education.

France Taiwan education comparison table POST BAC 1

BTS: Le Brevet de Technicien Supérieur

IUT (Institut Universitaire de Technologie): Generally after 2 years study, the title of the job search correspondant with the applicant and is named as Senior technician

CPGE (Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Ecoles): A preparatory school, a step for senior high school graduates to enter French Grande Ecole either Engineering Schools or French Business School. To apply Business School, 1 year study of CPGE is required before to apply. Two years of preparation study is necessary to apply for Engineering School

There are the same kinds of preparatory school for other disciplines such as Danse, Music, Arts or Administration.

Ecoles d'ingénieurs par apprentissage: This type of Engineering education specialises on both learing and study

Ecole de Médecin/ Medical School: The medical school is offered in the French University Education System. After having successfully obtained the Baccalaureate diploma, a 6 years of study is required to be a Pharmacist or Dentist.

Médecin Généralist /Family Doctor: It is generally a 9-years of study after the baccalaureate; Médecin Spécialiste: Being a specialist Doctor., a 11 -years study after senior school is necessary to obtain this qualification.

Prepared by Hsin-Mei TURMEL
